making disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.

First Methodist Church in Irving, Texas is a diverse community of faith consisting of every generation, highly engaged members, and energetic staff.

A Bright Beacon of God’s Love in Irving and Beyond.


We will seek out and invite all people to come as they are. The good-hearted persons that make up our congregation possess a deep desire to welcome others.

We will scripturally equip all persons to share the love of Jesus. Our community will be a living picture of the Good News that reflects God’s light to all we meet.



We will boldly encourage each man, woman, and child to follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit to serve God and neighbor, seeking to change the world.

First Methodist Irving was founded in Irving, Texas in 1908. The church grew with the town. By 1920 the town of Irving had a population of 397 and the church had 257 members. Shortly after WWI the church raised funds for a new church bell and that same bell has been ringing for almost 100 years!

From providing sack lunches to needy and homeless persons in our community to supporting full-time international missionaries, today First Methodist Irving is actively a bright beacon to Irving and beyond.



One God Creator and Sustainer of all things. Exists eternally in three persons: Matthew 28:19

  • Father

  • Son

  • Holy Spirit


Divinely inspired. Old and New Testaments have authority and are the only written Word of God. Holy Spirit preserves God’s Word and by it speaks God’s truth to people. 
2 Timothy 3:16-17


Created in the image of God. Image marred in every part by sin, starting with Adam and Eve’s disobedience. We are in need right relationship with God but cannot do so on our own because of sin.
Genesis 1:26-28; 2:7-23


God’s eternal Son, born of a virgin, suffered, died and rose from the dead on the 3rd Day. He is now at God the Father’s right hand making people right with the Father through faith… Philippians 2:5-11

Jesus Christ

God justifies (makes right) all who trust in Jesus…  We then begin to live in holiness (purity) through this faith. Romans 3:21-26


God calls us, in a moment of full surrender, to have whole-hearted love for God and others. This does not make us faultless. We must live daily by faith in Christ Jesus. God continues to cleanse us through His grace. 
I John 1:7, 9; Ephesians 3:14-21; Matthew 5:17-48



God assures believers that they are children of God. Romans 8:16

The personal return of Christ, bodily resurrection of all believers, final judgment and eternal reward and punishment. Revelation 22:12-13

Return of Christ